We completed a contract mining at the coking coal mine of “Tavantolgoi” company in Tsogttsetsii, Umnugovi in 2014.

Beginning of soil stripping
Soil stripping process
Soil stripping process
Night shift of soil stripping process
90 th anniversary of Tsogtsetsii
90 th anniversary of Tsogtsetsii
Equipment parking
Project team of Tavantolgoi
Project team of Tavantolgoi
Project team of Tavantolgoi
We completed contract mining and construction of 18ton explosives’ warehouse at Undurnaran gold mining for “Freegood Erin” LLC in Saikhandulaan, Dornogovi province in 2016.

Management team of Undurnaran project
Officials from Mining institution of the South Korea
Sampling of exploration drilling
Exploration drilling process
Soil stripping process
Construction process of dam for explosives
Completing fence for explosives’ warehouse
Facilities for explosives’ warehouse
Warehouse of Anfo explosives
Warehouse for boosters
We performed contract mining, drilling and construction of petrol station and auto weight at Nuurstein am mining, in Burentogtokh, Khuvsgul province in 2018.
Management team of Nuurstein am project
Engineering team of Nuurstein am project
Whole team of Nuurstein am project
Beginning of stripping work
Safety training
Open pit of Nuurstein am project
Digging process of trench at coal layer
Trench samping process
Drilling sampling process
Drilling process
Drilling process
Auto weight of 150ton and length 24m
Petrol station of 50000 L
Road visibility
Cleaning the area
We completed the construction of tailings storage facility of concentration plant at Salkhit Silver-Gold ore for “Erdenes Silver Resources” LLC, in Gurvansaikhan, Dundgovi province in
Management team
Attending naadam festival of the “Erdenes Silver Resources” LLC
Locating solid point of geodesy network
Stripping topsoil
Excavating work
Sampling of embankment material
Compacting embankment
Inspecting the compaction of the embankment
Compacting embankment
Compacting foundation of the embankment
Grading slope of the embankment
Grading slope of the embankment
Total earthwork of tailings storage facility
Total earthwork of tailings storage facility
Excavating the trench
Final view of earthwork of the tailings storage facility
Final view of earthwork of the tailings storage facility
Installing the geotextile
Installing the geotextile
Sealing the geomembrane
Sealing the geomembrane
Installing the geomembrane
Installing the geomembrane
Installing the geomembrane
Final view of the tailings storage facility