Our company provides equal opportunities to all applicants and conducts its hiring process in a fair and transparent manner. We will always be happy to work with the RIGHT person who has the knowledge, skills, personal management and commitment to continuous development.
Recruitment process:
Application form /online or at the office/First interview /only successful applicants will be contacted by HR/
Professional examination /specific test for that job position/
Final interview /only applicants who passed the exam will be contacted/
Final decision and offer

“PSST” LLC recognizes that human resource supply and labor force are key values of the organization and has been fully complying with the labor force, human resource policies and regulations in accordance with the current Labor Law of Mongolia. Therefore, we take the human resource function seriously and work with the “Pro HR Consulting” LLC which is the industry leader on the human resource consulting service. We carry out following activities under special contracts, Human resource supply, Recruitment process, Personal training and development, Medical examination, HSE training and Professional certification.
Please click here to register for open vacancies, recruitment process and detailed information.